
The Truth About The Clarisonic

The other week I finally buckled and bought a clarisonic. I've been debating about it for a while. Partly because of price and because I didn't know if it was really going to work, and with skin going crazy I'm willing to try it. I figured the Mia 1 would be a good start, decent price,and just as well as any of the other clarisonic. 

The reason I chose to go with the clarisonic instead of just a regular Cleansing brush was the fact it doesn't just spin, it pulses which brings the dirt up as well as your blood flow. Bringing up the blood flow helps your skin care work better, because when your blood flow goes back down it takes the medicine with it. Helping the treatment penetrate the skin, and work better and faster.

I can tell you first hand, my skin looks 10 times better. My Skin is evening out and is softer. My dark spots are fading and my pores have gotten smaller. Although I love it, it was a rough start. But everything is usually normal. So if you're interested in getting a clarisonic here's what to really expect.

You're going to break out, bad.  It's something no one wants to here, and usually where the love ends put they're just pimples. You break out because your skin starts purging because all the dirt is bring brought to the surface. So break out city,but after 2 weeks expect smooth sailing.

You might experience skin sensitivity. Because you're exfoliating just about daily, even though it's light, it's exfoliating. So your removing that very first layer of skin,its a sweet spot. So after you cleanse with a clarisonic avoid doing any exfoliating masks. I learned that the hard way. I put on the Peter Thomas Roth sulfur Mask a mask I loved on after Cleansing and it burned the mess out of my skin. So please avoid them at least while your skin is getting used to the clarisonic.

Other than that it's a great product and something that is worth the investment. It's a great way to get flawless skin and wear less make up or time in the morning. Even while I was on the red train my break out was not as bad as it usually is and it didn't last nearly as long. I highly recommend at least trying it. If you don't like it, you get a money back guarantee. So it's really no lost.


  1. I LOVE my Clarisonic. I got the plus from QVC and its a staple in my skincare regime now.

    Kara from KaysWays.Com

  2. I love my clarisonic too! It was totally worth the investment and it has transformed my skin over the past couple of years tremendously. <3 Thanks for sharing and making people aware of how amazing this cleansing tool is.

    xo Brigette from http://www.brigetteramos.com

  3. Thanks for writing this review! I have been debating whether I wanted a Clarisonic or not and what to expect from just starting. At least if the breakouts and skin sensitivity happens that it is normal. Now to decide on which size/version to get.

    x Carol

    1. Great! I would start with the Mia1 it's a good start and it's not as expensive as the others. You can see how often you're going to use it and what to really expect. Then you can go in to the Mia 2 or the aria that have multiple settings and speeds. The great thing about it, no matter what type of clarisonic that you get all the brush heads fit all the clarisonics. :-)

    2. Great! I would start with the Mia1 it's a good start and it's not as expensive as the others. You can see how often you're going to use it and what to really expect. Then you can go in to the Mia 2 or the aria that have multiple settings and speeds. The great thing about it, no matter what type of clarisonic that you get all the brush heads fit all the clarisonics. :-)

  4. I'm saving up for a Clarisonic but I'm so glad I read your review, I didn't know how long to expect to break out after first using it! I think I'll purchase it when school has a break just to be safe!

    xo Priyanka

  5. I have wondered about these for a long time. the Breaking out part is Good to know! Thank you for a great review of this product.
