
Kanye West Does Fashion Week

Kanye West blessed us with his debut of his Adidas line at fashion week yesterday. The front row was a star studded event, everyone who was anyone was there. From queen bey to Anna Wintour, even cassie and Diddy were there. 

The funny thing is, that's all anyone was talking about. Nothing about the fashion. Maybe because the show itself was a bit meh. The models walk out on a darken stage in rows of 5 and basically stood there while S.I.A & of course Kanye West plays in the background. The models were in head to toe nylon with military inspired duds along with crop tops, and Kanye Adidas. 

I mean the pieces were nice,but weren't what I considered noteworthy. The way they were presented was a bore. There wasn't one style that I actually can see people wearing Kanye has dope style but it never seems to shine through in the runway. His shows always seem like he's trying to hard to be fashion and not just Kanye. But I will say if his clothes weren't the price if my rent, I'd grab me a jacket or two. 
What are your thoughts?

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