
How to create a signature style

Trends come and go but style is forever. Over the pass few months, there has been a ton of trends coming in to play. But how do you know which one is good for you? That's where your signature style comes in to play. Your signature style is something that you're known for and recognized for. It's something that's good to have, it keeps you from trend hoarding and you always know (or have an idea) of what to wear. Here's some tips on how to find and get your own style and also how to evolve with the trends.

Find a style you like. Look on pintrest, or blogs to find a style that you like. For me it's the minimalist look. I love a clean simple look when it comes to my style. Maybe you like more sequin or you love prints whatever makes you feel amazing, that should be your look.

Play in your closet. Recreate some of the looks you found on the blogs and pintrest to see what you already have. This would also be a good time to clean out your closet. Whatever doesn't fit into your new style (or doesn't fit at all) toss it.

Shopping! Now that you have an idea of what you have and like it's time too complete some looks. Now don't just go randomly shopping. Think about what you need. For example, last weekend I was going out to a bar with friends and realized I don't have a black skirt (I know right?)  so next time I went shopping I got a skirt. Moral of the story, get what you need to complete the outfit.

Test it out. Go out with friends and see how it feels and go from there.  As far as trends go, try them out! Font get stuck in a rut. If you want to try to a big necklace try it out but make sure in incorporates what your style is all about.

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