
It's Time For The New Years Resolutions

Out with the old in with the new, it's officially the last day of 2014. Looking back I've learned alot. I'm very selfish, I don't really say how I feel and I'm rarely motivated to do anything besides shop and eat. It's a simple life but it's my life. In 2015 of course things will be different. I will quit my job and fly to Vegas and hit it big at the casino! Just kidding although I do want to quit, that won't be til I am out of school. In the mean time I have a few other things that I need to get accomplished this year.

 Since my boyfriend will be moving away to Atlanta I think I will take this time to get in touch with myself all over again. For the past few years it's been nothing but me and him attached at the hip. But since I will be alone I think I'll just be Kim for a while and focus on my career and making new friends and actually having a life! That's my main goals  for the new year, get focused on my career and get a life of some short. 

Another goal of mine for 2015 is a classic get healthy and get fit! I know it's a cliche but it's something that I really do want, I atleast want to eat better. I feel like I eat a burger every other meal. That's a problem. Another goal that I have that'a a little uncommon is I want to wear less make up. I know that sounds like I glob it on and I do, and I love it. But I should be able to walk out the house without 2 foundations and concealers on and not feel like I look rough. I only wore one today and barely any thing else and it looks nice. 

 Lastly, I want to listen to my gut more and follow my own path and not listen to people's "advice" any more. I think that's it for my resolutions, there very easy and manageable. Which they should be.  
What are some of your resolutions? How many of us are trying to get healthy, it can't be just me! 

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