
Fitting Rooms Of Horror! Never Again Will I Try On Clothes

Today I was eaves dropping on some of my Co workers conversation when I heard them say something that was so stupid I couldn't help but to laugh. "I never try in clothes at the store" yes I found that stupid but it wasn't just because they don't, a lot of people don't even though they should. It was their reasoning they didn't feel as if they have to even though "they didn't know their size." By the the time I heard that part I had already went of on a snooty tangent in my head I didn't hear the rest. How will you know your size if you don't try it on? I don't understand how or why people don't feel the need to try on clothes in the store. I get it can be intimidating, and down right earth shattering if you're very self conscious of your body. However, you don't conquer your fears by running away or avoiding them. Also you don't know how the clothes will look like on you by how they look on the hanger which can be worst than just trying them on.

Maybe it's because I grew up watching Stacey London  and Clinton Kelly on TLC'S What Not To Wear and treated their word as law. But Stacey or no, seriously guys , try on clothes. That's the only way you know what will flatter your body type and what won't. It also helps you determine what you're really going to wear and what you're not. For example, there was this one time I was at the mall shopping and I was feeling myself because I worked out two weekends in a row and felt like I was the ****.

Anyway I saw this cute grey cut out dress that I had to have! They only had one left. In my size. It was fate right? WRONG! I looked like a stuffed sausage in that thing. I pulled and tugged trying to make it work and it just wasn't happening, so I put it back happily. Yes, I was upset that I couldn't rock that dress, but if I had bought it right off the rack I would've been more upset that I spent money on it and couldn't wear it. All because it has your size doesn't mean it's your size. Some things run small,or big, or the fabric cling or bulge in all the wrong places and you'll never know that unless you try it on first.

Another reason is because of pure functionality.  How many times have you been online shopping bought a dress or outfit you just knew you were going to wear but never did? I know I have. Most of the clothes I got rid was from binge shopping, or some people like to call it, impulse buying . Fitting rooms stop that. When you put it on and admire it's beauty, stop and think. Where am I really going to wear this too? It's like shoes, yes you love those sky high stiletto heels but when you put them on you're like no. Lovely yes, but unless I'm going somewhere where I'm sitting majority of the time, I'm never going to wear these.

Even that double thigh high slit skirt. Your legs are stunning hunty but really where are you going? To the mall? Out with friends, be fabulous but functional. You're not going anywhere in that skirt that often. Step away.
All in all it pays to go in that room with as many clothes as you like (or they allow) and play dress up. Try on. Have fun. And when nothing works out or fits, well that's what wine is for! Have your moment and thank the heavens you didn't buy any of those clothes that made you feel bad about your body. Now it's time to get on the hunt that makes you feel like Beyonce. Remember! You wear the clothes! The clothes don't wear you! Don't let that little piece of fabric determine how you feel about yourself 

Thoughts On Fitting Rooms / Trying on Clothes?


  1. It completely depends on what mood I'm in to be honest - sometimes I will want to try on everything - especially if i'm buying something for an occasion. Most of the time though I'll probably just buy it and hope for the best - even though I should know better!!


    1. I feel like it's ok if you know your size and you tried on the cut, and style before, like buying your favorite brand of jeans . But somethings yes you must try lol
