
When Bondage Turns Hypnotic

When you're dating, how far is too far when it comes to sex? I'm all for kinky submissive sex but how much control do you give your partner when you're not in a committed relationship?
Zoe had recently started seeing a man that she had met on an online dating website. He's apparently in an open marriage, but that's not the shocking part, he's in to super submissive sex. Not even handcuffs and bondage but he wants to hypnotize her so she's completely under his control. 

"I'll try anything once. " she says as we grab a seat at this cute little bistro that just opened up. It's the kind of place you hope you don't run into anyone you know there but you want everyone to know you eat there.  

" Yeah but you don't even know this guy, what if he does something crazy or locks you away in his closet? " I said. 

"You still have some control, like your conscious still has power over your subconscious." She explains.
"I don't know giving all your power away to some guy you met online? He literally wants you to be his sex slave, like literally"

"I guess but I just like to be submissive. He gave me some recordings to listen too,they're supposed to hypnotize me. I have a trigger word and everything"

"Adventurous aren't we?"

"I guess but you only live once right?" She says with a little twinkle in her eye. 

I don't know what I should be more concerned about, the guy or the fact that my friend is really into this idea of completely submission. Don't get me wrong kink is nice but shouldn't both parties at least know what they're doing?
I shrug it off, what can I really say? I wished her the best and we eat our lunch.

 Later that night I had a little kinky sex of my own. After arriving at my new beau's house I was instructed to come around the back side of the building. This wasn't that unusual because sometimes he's back there with his dog. I see him walking up too me and before I could even greet him he throws a bag over my head and tosses me over his shoulder and carries me inside. Before I knew it I was inside his apartment hands tied together and my clothes off. After my kidnapping escapade was over we lay in bed smoking a damn-that-was-good after sex cigarette. It got me thinking if I could fully being kidnapped and have great sex then was hypnotic sex that far fetched? If I could let a guy tie me up and have his way is it really that different letting a guy hypnotize you. I mean you still have zero control but at least with one you aren't being brainwashed.
When do you cross the line between kinky to being sick?  

I don't think there's anything wrong with having kinks as long as both parties consent to it. There's nothing wrong with having a little kink in you as long as you're not hurting anyone and you're being safe. Now I'm not suggesting that everyone goes and gets kidnapped or even try hypnosis, but adding a little kink every now and again is not bad. I mean what's the point of having sex if it isn't fun?


  1. Very interesting. I think your question varies by degrees. If both or all parties involved enjoy it all is good. So depending on who you are dealing with and the appetites you both have for kink anything is possible. The most important part is that everyone enjoys it. This sounds a little crazy to me. Your friend should check into the guy s little more. He is obviously very controlling and if he is a good hypnotist he could make a fortune doing this type of thing. I am not opposed to being tied up but I never do it on a first date. But if she likes guys and he trustworthy then I say if you enjoy it double down. You cross the line when their is no pleasure in it for any one person. Respect the boundaries of others and while they may or may not expand their boundaries you can continue to sell them on what your like but cross the boundaries and pressure them into something they are less likely to enjoy it and things will certainly go south at that point, is important to respect boundaries no matter how uptight you think your partner is being. Far better to find split up or get a friend that shares the same desires than to scar them mentally from sexual standpoint. Sex is awesome and everyone should enjoy it.

  2. Very interesting. I think your question varies by degrees. If both or all parties involved enjoy it all is good. So depending on who you are dealing with and the appetites you both have for kink anything is possible. The most important part is that everyone enjoys it. This sounds a little crazy to me. Your friend should check into the guy s little more. He is obviously very controlling and if he is a good hypnotist he could make a fortune doing this type of thing. I am not opposed to being tied up but I never do it on a first date. But if she likes guys and he trustworthy then I say if you enjoy it double down. You cross the line when their is no pleasure in it for any one person. Respect the boundaries of others and while they may or may not expand their boundaries you can continue to sell them on what your like but cross the boundaries and pressure them into something they are less likely to enjoy it and things will certainly go south at that point, is important to respect boundaries no matter how uptight you think your partner is being. Far better to find split up or get a friend that shares the same desires than to scar them mentally from sexual standpoint. Sex is awesome and everyone should enjoy it.
