
You're Not A Feminist If You Shave Your Body Hair

There's a hot new hair trend coming in 2015. No its not rainbow hair, it's body hair. More and more woman are choosing not to follow "society" and growing out their body hair in feminist protest. Why on earth should I have to shave my legs and men don't? They holler. I don't need to shave my arm pits and pluck my eyebrows in order to be beautiful. They'll scream. Both statements are very true, you don't have to nor are you required to. I actually never thought of it as a requirement for woman to shave or pluck their eyebrows.  It's always been a choice in my eyes. 

What I find very disturbing I'd that we as woman are now saying that if you do choose to "tame" your body hair you're not a feminist.
Don't believe me? Just watch. One day I was on this app called whisper. An app where you can post anonymously anything you want. So I posted, "All because I shave doesn't make me any less of a feminist " to which someone replied "it kinda does"... how? I inquired, which of course I didn't get a response.  I'll never get how as feminist, a movement that stands for equality and the fair treatment of every gender no matter their lifestyle choice. I am apparently no longer a part of because I choose to remove my body hair.

This isn't even the first place I've heard it. I've seen this kind of bashing in message boards, Facebook and tumblr. Why is it so awful for woman to remove their body hair in feminist eyes? Is it because you see it following the "unattainable " standard of beauty? No. Sometimes it's just liking the way your legs feel when they're shaven as opposed to hairy. Or not having sweat and bacteria in your armpit hair. Sometimes the hair irritates the skin and some woman don't like it.

I'll be the first to say I don't shave or wax everyday.  I dont. I don't feel as if I need to, the only thing I shave on a regular basis is my special area and I only did that when someone was going down there.  Now that I'm single I hit it maybe once or twice month. My legs, are probably an every three month thing. I've been pumping gas on a windy day and felt my leg hair dance in the breeze. I remove my chin hair and my mustache  (which I just got wax recently ) every time I see a hair and of course my eyebrows wax whenever I remember, because I love it. But I do shave, I wax, and pluck because I love it. Does that make me think of woman as the weaker sex, no. Do I think woman are allowed to have body hair or dye their armpits hair, yes . Do I think it's acceptable for men to have a large amount of body hair, oh h*ll no.

My opinion on my grooming habits have nothing to do with how I view society or my feelings towards the rights woman have. We seriously need to stop with the pettiness of body hair and really focus on more pressing issues . Seriously,  we've all but forgot about the men's right movement.  Remember that ? A bunch of guys thinking it's ok to rape women if she's wearing a tight dress or short skirt? Who think a woman should be nothing more than a house wife? While you're over here measuring arm air and worried about me and my shaved legs, they're growing. I'm sorry if I'm going on in a rant here but we seriously have bigger fish to fry.

Feminist come in all shapes, sizes, and hair amounts. We're sisters, we stand together, we make up on big family, no we don't look the same our spots are different. But we are the same, fighting for the same cause. EQUALITY & RESPECT. Never forget that, and don't say she's not a feminist because she shaves. Feminism is about having choices not setting the rules for everyone to follow. What's the point of fighting against one standard just to make another? OK I'm done rambling.  But do you hear me out there? Let me know what your opinion is in the comments...

......And yes I quoted cheetah girls, it's a beautiful message.....

Photo : buzzfeed


  1. Oh my god I could not agree with you more - I literally have no problem with whatever people want to do regarding their bodies/body hair, but all I ask is that people don't judge me for mine! There are so many bigger problems in the world than how often I shave my legs!


  2. I agree with you 100000% I love the way my skin feels when it's clean shaven. I actually got laser hair removal a few years ago and I don't regret it. I applaud women who do it and are proud, but I don't agree with them hating on us who do. I was so prone to ingrown hairs, all over my body. It was so painful and gross, they'd get big and full of puss. It was awful.
